Today is day six of a Novena to Pray for a Healing or a Cure. My mother is very ill, and at this point we don't really know what's physically wrong with her. She is resting comfortably at home, awaiting another attack, where her body haemorrhages. On Saturday night, after taking her to the hospital (2am) I cleaned up the blood all over the bathroom and part of her bedroom. It looked like a crime scene.
Yesterday, I cleaned their place up again, as the first time was just to get rid of the obvious blood. I found out that blood, left to its own devices, can foul up the place pretty bad. It took a lot of work to get rid of the smell. Even though the blood wasn't visible, the smell was enough to send one reeling.
I steam cleaned the carpets, prayed, and was surprised to see Gary show up. He did an amazing job finishing the steam cleaning.
This has been an amazing journey, this week, praying with Mom and dealing with Dad, and my sisters, and my family and my own interior life. Today I am alone, and I was beginning to make excuses, not to see Jesus today on His Feast day of the Sacred Heart. The novena I've been praying for 6 days now, has the Litany to the Sacred Heart in it.
Today I am emotionally and spiritually drained. I've been fighting the good fight, trying to console my father and my sisters, being there for my family. Today I wanted a day of quiet, away from all, to rest.
It's also Canada Day. The rest of the city is in Cloverdale, whooping it up with music, dance and festivities. There's no way I could be there, as today I've also been visited by a migraine, my little companion today. It constantly reminds me that too much noise, too much light, too much of anything and I'm going to pay. It's ruling my day.
I have just enough time to go upstairs, put on some more suitable attire, grab the darkest glasses I can find, and brave the outdoors. For Jesus. Because it's on days like this, when I don't feel His presence, don't hear His voice, don't have His consolation, want to just hide under blankets, don't want to even answer the phone, that He is closest to me. And I need to say a quiet thanks.